Saturday, June 6, 2009


So another of my interests is automotive news. I check out about 15 different auto news web sites each day to keep up on what is happening in the automotive world. One of the things that I like most about the information that I read on those sites is the new technology that they are putting in cars, whether it be hybrid technology or Hydrogen ICE or fuel cells. I actually wrote 2 different papers on both hybrid technology and the Hydrogen economy in college. The one on hybrids was about series electric hybrid technology, basically the type of system in the Chevy Volt. A series electric hybrid still has a gas engine, but it is only used as a generator for the batteries and the electric motor. Locomotives have been running this type of system for years and in another year the public will finally have a chance to use it.

But it isn't just the Chevy Volt anymore that will be using this technology. independent automakers are springing up to fill the high mileage car void since most of the large automakers are still to afraid of big oil to really come out with anything ground breaking. Not to mention hybrids are still niche vehicles and they can charge more for them. Yes, I know, the new Insight is cheap, both in price and quality, have you read Jeremy Clarkson's review on it?

As for hydrogen, gasoline prices have to get back to over $4 a gallon for hydrogen to be even close to competitive. And the oil companies realized after last years gas price hikes that they did the world economy wasn't ready for it. They are the ones that crashed the whole system. If it wasn't for them, the fragile housing market and the bad banking practices would have gone on like normal.

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