Friday, January 29, 2010


While the iPhone is neat and you can do lots of things on it, I can't get past the price of it. It's a phone/PDA with too many strings attached. So unless your business is paying for it which I know a lot are (would be nice here too) the only other people that are buying into it are people that have to keep up with the crowd or are complete Apple freaks.

Now, as for the iPad (which is a bigger iTouch (which is an iPhone without the phone)) this is something those Apple freaks are just freaking out about. They think this is the coolest gadget in years and is going to change everything. Problem is that tablets have been around for years. Most major PC makers are on their 2nd or 3rd generation of them and with Windows 7 and multi-touch they are so much better. So Apple is a little late to the game.

And if history shows us anything, they will have problems with it when it first launches just like the iPhone. But of course they fix those fairly quickly. As with any software or hardware vendor, it is impossible to know what your customers are going to try with your product, so they put it out there and listen. I'll let the freaks and Jones get them first and deal with the problems.

When I first heard about it I thought, "Great, another hyped up product we don't need." But after hearing that they will have a $499 version with only WiFi and you don't need to switch cell carriers my wife and I thought this might be the thing for our oldest girl. The great thing about the iPad is that the OS is built with it in mind. PC versions adapt Windows to work on it and it just doesn't quite feel right. It will be interesting to see what happens when it goes on sale in 60 days.

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